Subject Leader: Gemma Nunes
Our place in the world
The RHSE curriculum helps our pupils to improve their understanding of how the world works and their place in the world. RSHE supports a secure understanding of the local community, our national context and the wider world.
Language and oracy
RSHE enables to the children to gain the vocabulary to be able to clearly verbalise their feelings and thoughts. Having the appropriate correct vocabulary supports children to communicate their concerns and worries.
Learning skills
In RSHE the learning skills support children to be to communicate their feelings, build positive relationships and have the confidence to ask questions about their mental health, health and relationships.
Healthy body, healthy mind
The RSHE curriculum provides opportunities for our pupils to learn how to keep themselves safe in all areas of life, recognise the importance of healthy lifestyles and develop an understanding of how to maintain good mental health. RSHE lessons encourages an open approach to discussing worries or concerns.
Today’s children and young people are growing in an increasingly complex world and living their lives seamlessly on and offline. This presents many positive and exciting opportunities, but also challenges and risks. In this environment our aim at St Mary Magdalen’s is for our children to know how to be safe and healthy, and how to manage their academic, personal and social lives in a positive way.
(Secretary of State Foreword, Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education, statutory guidance, DfE, 2019)
At St Mary Magdalen’s school, we use the programme, Life to the Full, produced by the Catholic educational organisation, Ten:Ten Resources.
The Life to the Full programme is based on the structure of ‘A Model Catholic RSE Curriculum’ by the Catholic Education Service. This model curriculum was highlighted as a work of good practice by the Department of Education so we therefore have confidence that the programme will be fit for purpose in supporting the growth and development of your child.
The Life to the Full programme Starts in Early Years and continues until Year 6. There are three core themes:
- Created by loved by God (this explores the individual)
- Created to love others (this explores an individual’s relationship with others)
- Created to live in community local national and global. (this explores the individual relationship with the wider world)
To further broaden, enrich and address any specific themes additional resources from Brighton and Hove are used to support our school. These include Feeling Good and Feeling safe. We also celebrate different awareness events including Anti Bullying week, walk to school week and hands up survey, One World week, Shine day, Grandparents day, Mental Health day and Neuro- diversity week.
Our RSHE curriculum should ensure that children leave St Mary Magdalen’s:
- With knowledge and understanding of positive, healthy relationships with their peers and others.
- Knowing how and when to seek support of others
- Gain the vocabulary to be able to clearly verbalise their feelings and thoughts
- Develop self-worth (having the internal sense of being good enough and worthy of love and belonging from others)
How to support your child at home?
We are clear that parents and carers are the prime educators for children on many of these matters and that a priority for parents/carers is their children’s happiness. Therefore, at St Mary Magdalen’s we believe that a strong home school relationship is key to our children’s success.
You can support your child at home by:
- Talking to your children about the topics they have covered at school
- Asking school if there are any topics that you are worried about talking to your children about.
- Asking school for support to have these discussions or for strategies to support your child at home.
- Attending meeting that cover topics such as internet safety or asking school to sign post you to further support.
- Using the ten: ten parent/carers portal
School Username: st-mary-mag-bn1
School Password: oil-lamp-6
Home or Out Alone Guide
Online Safety - NSPCC
Difficult Conversations - NSPCC