Meet Our House Saints

Feast Day: February 8
St Josephine Bakhita
She lived in Sudan (North East Africa)
Bakhita means ‘lucky’
She discovered the love of Jesus and became a Christian
She experienced slavery and fought for people's freedom
The anchor is the symbol associated with her, it represents her stable and strong trust in God’s love
How can we be more like her?
Saint Josephine Bakhita teaches us about the importance of forgiveness, never giving up, and the love of God.
We can show forgiveness to others
We can persevere when we find things challenging
We can spread the news of God’s love

Feast Day: August 14
St Maximilian Kolbe
He was born in Poland (Central Europe)
His life was influenced by the vision he had of the Virgin Mary when he was 12 Years old
He was a priest
He set up a religious newspaper
He founded monasteries in Japan and India
He provided shelter for refugees
How can we be more like him?
To act responsibly and care for others
Treat others how you wish to be treated
Put others needs before our own

Feast Day: October 1
St Thérèse Lisieux
She was born in France (Western Europe)
She was very wise for her age
At 15 she entered the convent where she would live for the rest of her life with three of her sisters
Thérèse had a string of beads, now known as Sacrifice Beads – or good deed beads.
After she died she was said to have performed many miracles
How can we be more like Her?
Saint Thérèse considered even picking up a small piece of string to be an act of love.
She is most known for her “Little Way.”
She spoke not of doing great things, but of small things with great love.
We can carry out small acts of kindness
We can listen and learn from her wise words
Pray, she said that ‘Prayer is an uplifting of the heart’

Feast Day: March 24
St Óscar Romero
He was the archbishop of San Salvador (Central America)
He stood up for human rights
He did not agree with fighting
He was a peacemaker
He fought against poverty
How can we be more like Him?
We must challenge people when we see things that are wrong.
We must continue to do what we can to support our climate crisis as this is one of the biggest threats to reducing poverty in the world today.