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Community Links and Charities

At St Mary Magdalen's Catholic Primary School and Nursery, our commitment to supporting charitable causes is deeply rooted in our Catholic faith and the teachings of Jesus. We believe in living out the Gospel values of community, hope, justice and service by helping those in need and being a beacon of hope in our community and beyond.

Why We Support Charities

Living out our Gospel Values: Supporting charities allows us to put our faith into action. Engaging in charitable activities helps our pupils grow in empathy, humility, and a sense of responsibility to serve others, preparing them to make a positive impact in the world.

Our school community engages in a variety of charitable initiatives throughout the year. Supporting charities directly contributes to the common good by addressing the needs of the most vulnerable members of society. Charitable actions help to improve social conditions, reduce inequality, and provide resources for those who lack basic necessities. By doing so, they promote the dignity of all people and foster a sense of shared responsibility, ensuring that everyone can thrive and participate fully in society.

Community Links and Charities we support

SaS shed

Swap and Share Shed

Our new ‘Swap and Share Shed’ is now officially OPEN!

This shed has been set up to promote the re-using and sharing of uniform and food in our community, contributing to reducing waste and helping the sustainability of our environment.
The ‘Swap and Share Shed’ invites users to take what they need for free, but also asks that if people have things at home which could be used by someone else, that they be donated to the shed to be reused. If you have any uniform or food donations, please bring them to the school office.

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