Subject Leader: Miss James
Our place in the world

Phonics is the way we teach children to read and write. Phonics involves matching the sounds of spoken English with individual letters or groups of letters.
Teaching children to blend the sounds of letters together helps them decode unfamiliar or unknown words by sounding them out. His then enables them to open up the world around them. From reading a bus sign, to finding out information about the things that fascinate them. Phonics at St Mary Magdalen’s is the key to a world of discovery.
Language and oracy

We follow the Rocket phonics Scheme which has opportunities for Oracy and language rehearsal built into it. Children are encouraged to match written print with spoken sounds. They build on sound awareness and sound production to become confident speakers and listeners.
Learning skills

The learning skills that are developed across the school are used in early reading and writing to make sure that our young learners have all the tools they need to become confident and enthusiastic readers and writers.
Phonics focusses on decoding words, but from the very moment children join our school they are exposed to high quality rich language texts in the form of story times, family reading as Teamwork Meercats and daily Book Browse as Independent Polar Bears. Children become confident being Creative Unicorns, navigating books and talking about stories way before they can read all of the words. We believe that the love of learning and the love of stories should be nurtured alongside the discovery of word reading. All of it takes perseverance like our Penguin and lots of communicating and questioning like our Owl and Chimp.
Healthy body, healthy mind

Phonics is a daily lesson that forms a major part of our routines in Early Years and Key Stage 1. Every class starts the day with quiet reading followed by opportunities for book talk. The first lesson of the day is Phonics and the children find this calm rhythm, and knowing what to expect each day, regulating. Regular movement breaks are also factored in and a second review session gives children the chance to feel confident in new learning.
We expect all children to leave St Mary Magdalen’s with the skills they need to be confident readers and writers. Not only this, but we ensure that they see the value in reading and writing and they develop a love for stories and books that reaches out beyond their school life. Phonics is the foundation on which we build this.
Phonics is taught from Nursery to Year 2 in whole class sessions every day.
We follow the Rocket Phonics scheme and we have a wide selection of fully decodable books of all reading levels in every class. Children take home a Rocket Phonics reading book every week and they are provided with a reading record for parents to engage with when they read at home. Guided reading in classes also uses Rocket Phonics Target Practise Readers, which further support the weekly learning that is happening in Phonics lessons. Where appropriate, children continue to receive Phonics teaching to complement their English lessons throughout the school.
We understand that creating a strong foundation in Reading and Writing is essential for children to be able to access all other aspects of the school curriculum. This is why it is at the heart of our teaching and learning.
How to support your child at home:
Click this image to read more information for parents from Rocket Phonics including top tips for how to support at home.
Also, keep an eye out for the next curriculum parent workshops on our newsletter and on school PING