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Subject Leader: Beth James

Our place in the world


Through learning language we open up the world! By trying to understand and talk to people from different parts of the world we are learning to understand the similarities and difference that we celebrate in everything we do here at St Mary Magdalen's.

Language and oracy


Oracy means 'the ability to express oneself fluently'. We believe that having the skills to do this in different languages

Learning skills


It has been widely proven that people who speak more than one language have improved memory, problem-solving and critical-thinking skills, enhanced concentration, ability to multitask, and better listening skills. Strengthening these skills ensures children fulfil their potential.

Healthy body, healthy mind


Not only does learning a language improve life chances, but it also fosters creativity. Children who can express themselves effectively are happier and more confident in other areas of their learning as well.



Here are a list of the French songs that children will be learning in Early Years and KS1.


When children leave St Mary Magdalen’s they will be able to:

  • Demonstrate an interest or love of languages and understanding of other cultures
  • Have the confidence to communicate in French and have a go in spoken situations
  • Show progress throughout the French skills in the scheme and through quality teaching by regular low stakes testing to build memory through repeated recall.  This may include knowledge from a previous lesson, or unit to ensure basics are secure. Teachers carry out end of unit summative assessments to ensure all children have made progress.

How you can support your child at home

As with all areas of the curriculum, we know that strong home-school partnerships are key to successful learning.

You can support your child’s learning at home by:


French lessons at St Mary Magdalen’s are interactive, fun and engaging.

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